Acts 2:1-11
2.1 Cor
John 20: 19-23
" The presence of the
Holy Spirit in our lives."
Once a certain doctor
asked the priest that why he preached the existence of the Holy Spirit as the
Third Persons of the Blessed Trinity.
The doctor continued to
ask: " Do you ever see the Holy Spirit? Do you ever smell the Holy Spirit?
To all of these questions the doctor received a ' No' answer. But when the
doctor asked: " Do you ever feel the Holy Spirit?" The priest replied:
" Yes, indeed." "
Well," said the doctor, " There are four of the five senses against you, Father. So I
doubt that there is the holy spirit.
Then later it was the
turn of the priest to ask. " You are a doctor of medicine, " the
priest said." It is your business to treat pains. Did you ever see, hear,
taste, or smell a pain?" asked the priest. " No," answered the
doctor. " Did you feel the pain, " followed the priest. " Yes, I
did," said the doctor.
" The priest
continued, " there are four senses against you. Yet you know and I know
that there is pain. By the same proof, I
know that the Holy Spirit exists," continued the priest.
Dear brothers and
sisters we are here to play because we do believe that the Holy Spirit exists
because we feel His presence in us. Even if we do see, hear, taste or smell the
Holy Spirit, we do believe His existence. It is because "for those who
believe in God, no explanation is necessary; for those who do not believe in
God, no explanation is possible," ( From 1943 the movie The Song of Bernadette).
The word ' Spirit' is
coming from the Hebrew word ruah and Greek Pneuma which means "
breath." Breath is like an air or a wind that without it we are dead and
we could not live. In the Old Testament, the spirit is described as like the
wind which is mysterious and wonderful. Nobody knows how the wind comes about
and how it originates. However nobody could doubt its existence when it is
there. Nobody can ignore its effect and force. It can break, uproot, propels
clouds and seeds and dusts, devastates and fertilizes soil. In the same regard
the Holy Spirit is even more mysterious. Often enough we do not realize that He
is there but He is at works in our hearts and sooner or later we will notice his effects in us. He is the
breath of life that without whom we cannot live. How important breathing is we
realize when we, for the first time, how real breathing problems. Like a heavy
bronchitis that without the air we get so many problems, the same with the Holy
Spirit that without Him our life has no direction. We have to know that the
person who works and helps us in the Church is the Holy Spirit but we don't
recognize in the Church and in our Christian life.
Today we are
celebrating the Feast of the Pentecost. Pentecost is the day where we
commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles and the Blessed
Virgin Mary. The Spirit that Christ promised them before His ascension, back to
His Father in heaven. Pentecost comes from the word pente the Greek word for
fifty. So Pentecost is fifty days after Jesus was resurrected from the dead
during Easter. Since today is the feast
of the coming of the Holy Spirit to apostles and to us too, let us talk about
the Holy Spirit in order to have a better understanding of this person of the
Blessed Trinity.
First, the Holy Spirit
of course, is God like the Father and the Son. The third Divine Person of the
Blessed Trinity sent to the world by the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ. The
Holy Spirit now guides the church and continues the work and teaching of Jesus without changing them.
He is the sanctifier of the Church.
Second, the Holy Spirit
comes to us first at the moment of our baptism, more fully at our confirmation,
infusing in us together with sanctifying grace and the three theological
virtues of faith, hope, and love. He gave to us His seven gifts of : wisdom,
understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. Also
this Holy Spirit gave to us the twelve fruits of these seven gifts, namely:
charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, forbearance, meekness,
fidelity, modesty, continence, and chastity( cf. Gal 5:16-25). Without the Holy
Spirit, nobody can believe or hope and/ or repent his/her sins.
Third, the Holy Spirit
is love made person. We know that all love comes from God, but how we can
understand it better by discussing the three characteristics of love. The first
characteristics is that love is sacrificial. It demands that we make sacrifices
for the one we love. It must never be selfish. Just like me when I wanted to
submit myself into the hands of God, I thought of seven choices that God would
give me to serve him. These seven
choices were: does he want me to remain
single forever? Does He want me to be a doctor? Does he want me to get married
early and have family of my own? Does He want me to become a businessman? Does
He want me to do nothing? Does He want me to become a New people's Army rebel?
Does He want me to become an activist or to become a social worker? However God
did not choose any of these above that I mentioned before Him. I became a
The second
characteristics of this love is, it must be purifying . Any love which drags a
person down or ruins his is a false love. A love which makes a person worse
instead of making him/her better is not love at all. But if through this love
the person becomes a better person and better Christian, then this is true and
purifying love.
The third
characteristics is that love must always
be caring. It does not demand service from the other to ensure our own comfort
and to fulfill our own needs. Love always says: "Not what I want but what
you want."
Chapisha Maoni