1.Dt 4:32-34,39-40

THEME “ God our Father in Heaven is not a remote God

Today we celebrate the most Holy trinity, the rich mystery of God’s inner life. The mystery of the holy trinity remains the mystery beyond man’s intellectual grasp. The holy Bible reveals to us that God does not live in isolation ( Personal God), but that God exists as three interactive, loving Persons, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, while remaining  one divine reality, one God.
There is a saying “ Two is company, three is a crowd” but today’s feast would have it otherwise. The figure three biblical  symbolizes completeness and perfection. The mystery we celebrate today is beyond the reach of time and the grasp of human reasoning.Three figures has appeared many time in a Bible. Three figures make up the nativity scene in Bethlehem- the  Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Their first visitors were the three wise men. Later in the desert preparing to begin his public ministry Jesus was tempted by Saturn three times. An inspiring story should have the beginning, the middle and the end. Christ in some of his parables he seems to have used figure three. The parable of the prodigal Son is all about Father and his two sons; The story of the good Samaritan tells of the behavior of three passers-by, the priest, the Levite, and the Samaritan; the sower sowed his seed in three different types of terrain, yielding three different levels of harvest. The end of Jesus life had three motives. During his passion Peter denied him three times, on the road to Calvary he fell three times. The crucifixion scene has three figures, Christ between two thieves. Before his resurrection he spent three days in the tomb.

The mystery of the trinity reveals the nature of divine love to us all. In this perspective we are all invited to live the life of communion. African philosophy teaches us that no Man is an Island. “I am because we are.”The three persons in the trinity represent the perfect and fullness of God’s love. The nature of the love that exists between the Father and the Son is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the one that unites Father and the Son. We are all made in the image of triune God. In this image of triune God, we are made in a such a way that God the Father is revealed to us because He is the one who created us, His Son Jesus Christ is one who saved us from our Original Sin, and the Holy Spirit an animating principle in us and who continues to guide us. Our lives should be the life of love reflecting the trinity. Living the life reflecting that of trinity, we should be creative like the Father who is ever compassionate, like his son who gave his life as ransom for many, and dispose our gifts and talents in the service of others like the Holy Spirit.

The mystery of the Holy trinity reflects the happy family of God. God wants to share the happiness of His family with us. The only criteria to belong to that family is through the sacrament of baptism. That is why in the gospel we heard Jesus commanding  that all be baptized in the name of the Father,and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit ( Matt 28:19). God wishes that all of us should belong to his family.  At the moment of our baptism we became sons and daughters of God. Thus the mystery of the holy trinity invites each one of us to have the sense of belonging. As human beings it is our nature to feel the sense of belonging wherever we go or wherever we are. We like to belong to our family, our parish , our community and in social groups. In order to belong we make great efforts to ensure that we belong where we want to belong. Thus by virtue of our baptism let's we already belong to that happiest family of God. It is a call from God that demands a response from each one of us that as Christians here on earth we are all invited to make a communal family that reflects the holy trinity family based on divine love.

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Chapisha Maoni