1.Is9:1-4   2.1Cor1:10-13,17   Gospel:Matt4:12-23

    " Perseverance in making good fish catch"

Dear brothers and sisters as we celebrate the third Sunday in ordinary time, in the gospel we hear about Jesus beginning his mininistry by calling the core group: Peter, Andrew, James and John to become hence fourth fishers of men.(Matt4:12-23). These followers who had been called as apostles, were to continue his work of salvation after he had ascended to heaven whether people would like him or not.

The important question that can be put before us is that why Jesus calls these fisherman?  We can have an answer from the qualities that a fisherman always has in relation to his work of fishing. These are the very qualities that Jesus uses to pass the gospel message to us all. Thus let us see these qualities in details:

First, a fisherman has patience. He learns to wait patiently until the fish will take the  bait. If he is restless and quick to move, he will never make fisherman. Thus the good fisher of men must have patience. It is but very rare in preaching or in reaching that we convert people easily, but instead we must wait.

Second, a fisherman has perseverance. A fisherman learns not to be discouraged but always to try and try again.It is in this context that a good teacher and preacher must not be discouraged when nothing seem to happen in the course of their mission. Always a preacher has to try and try many times in making sure that the message of the gospel penetrates the hearts of people.

Third, a fisherman has the quality of being courageous. A fisherman is ready to risk and to face the fury of the see and of the gale. The good preacher and preacher must be aware that there is always a danger in telling man the truth. The man who tells the truth is the one not much wanted his relative and friends. In other words, telling the truth is risking as well.

Fourth, a fisherman has an eye for the right moment. The wise fisherman has knows well that there are times when it is impossible and hopeless to fish. He know a moment to cast a net and a moment not to cast a net. The good teacher and preacher choose his moment. Bear in mind that there are times when men will sincerely welcome the truth. There are times when the truth will move them and times when the truth will harden them I'm their opposition to the truth. Thus the wise preacher knows that there is a time to speak and a time to be silent.

Fifth, a fisherman knows how to fit the bait to the fish.One fish will rise to one bait and another to another. The wise preacher and teacher know that the same approach will not win all men. The teacher or preacher also need to know his own positives and limitations.
Thus a preacher has to know that there are some circumstances and situations that can feet in his own context while on the other hand other can't in his context or situation.

Lastly, the wise fishermen must kee himself out of site. If he obtrudes his own presence, even his own shadow, the fish will certainly not bite. The wise preacher and teacher will always seek to present men not with himself bit with Jesus Christ.Therefore it is a call of a preacher or a teacher to be Christ like before others.(words should correspond to deeds).His aim is to fix man's eyes not on himself but on the figure beyond(on Jesus).

I happend  to read the following article entitled: A PRIEST IS ALWAYS WRONG, which run this way:

If he waits for people, he has never been panctual.
If he starts Mass on time they say his watch is wrong.
If he owns a car people say he is luxurious
If he does not have one, they say he is always late.
If he asks for donation people say he is money maker.
If he does not ask people say he is proud and lazy
If he is seem with women, people say he is a playboy.
If he goes with men people say he is a sissy.
If he preaches too long, people say they get bored.
If his homily is too short, they say he is unprepared.
If he visits house/families people say he is always out.
If he stays in the convent, they say he has no time for them.
If he is too young they say he has no experience.
If he is too old they also say he should retire.

But when a priest dies no body takes his place.

We should bear in our minds that being God's minister does not by itself abolish the minister's humanity and there are many: pride, ambition, greed, and even sensuality which can blind a priest or a bishop as they blind other men. But the Lord who used Peter as the building block of His church- Peter who thrice denied him, can use imperfect men too to build his Kingdom. However spirtual leaders have the obligation by virtue of their high, divine calling, to constantly striver to overcome their human frailities.

Sometimes in our christian calling we are challenged by the fact that some Christians express their disillusionment because they feel the church is not helping them. Others say that the church is out of people's reality especially their hardships. We can certainly have the right to criticize the church. However, if we must complain, we must also remember whom we are complaining about. The truth of the matter is that we are complaining about ourselves for the simple reason that we are the church.
Looking at the church apart from ourselveswould be like complaining about an infected finger as if it were not part of us.

But on the other hand we ministers of the church inspite of our frailities we may strive very hard to live our priestly vocation and win all men and women back to God
The person of Jesus Chrst is acting in and through us.

The church's success will largely depend on what we make her as the church leaders and lay members. The challenging question to us all is that, are we doing our part? Do we know our part in the church?

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